

Vacation Batch 2025


vacation 2025

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Time Table

Contact Balbhavan for Details of each activity.

vacation 2025 time table

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गरवारे बालभवन, पुणे आयोजित

आईचे शेपूट

संकल्पना, निर्मिती: मानसतज्ज्ञ उमा बापट.

२००८ पासून बालभवनमध्ये होणारा हा अनेकांचा आवडता उपक्रम!

'आईचे शेपूट' वैशिष्ट्ये:

  • सहज मिळणाऱ्या रोजच्या वापरातल्या साहित्यापासून विविध खेळ.
  • गंमतीचे आणि मुलांच्या वाढीला चालना देणारे वातावरण
  • मुलांना कृतीतून स्वतः शिकण्याची संधी
  • पालकांना मुलांच्या खेळाशी समरस होताना निखळ आनंद नि समाधान अनुभवयाचे अनमोल क्षण ...

असे क्षण वेचायला जरूर या!


दीड ते तीन वर्षे वयोगटातील मुले व पालक.

खेळायची २ सत्र+ १ सत्र खास पालकांसाठी.

शिबिराच्या तारखा - ८, ९, १० एप्रिल, मंगळवार, बुधवार, गुरूवार.

दुपारी ४ ते ५

शुल्क: १८०० ₹

नाव नोंदणी: गरवारे बालभवन सारसबागेसमोर पुणे. (दुपारी ३ ते ७)

शिबिराची फी online भरण्याची सुविधा आहे.

संपर्क: 7391006920

Chess classes at Balbhavan

हॉकी प्रशिक्षण

एप्रिल - मे महिन्यात मोठ्या मुलांसाठी हॉकी वर्ग शिबिर चांगले झाले. मुलांचा प्रतिसादही चांगला होता.

यापुढे आता जुलै पासून आपण वर्षभरासाठी कायमचा हॉकी वर्ग सुरू केला आहे.

तज्ज्ञ : श्री पराग पाठक
वयोगट : ८ ते १४
वेळ : फक्त प्रत्येक रविवारी संध्याकाळी ४.३० ते ६.३०
फी : रुपये १ हजार महिन्यासाठी
(दोन महिन्यांची फी एकदम भरायची आहे.)

संपर्क नंबर mb 7391006920 (दुपारी ३ ते ७)

हॉकी प्रशिक्षण

Welcome to Garware Balbhavan

... a living institute that seeks to make Pune India's first child-centric city.
Balbhavan is a playground and a recreational center for children.

Age group: 3 to 12 years.

For admission please call
+91 73910 06920

Click here to see Overall Activities

feedback icon creative  activities

At Balbhavan children engage in a range of creative activities - do physical exercises by swaying to musical rhythms, draw and paint, learn paper folding, clay work, toy making, tend a vegetable patch or simply skate in the hall. They are often taken to visit places like cold drink factory, bakery, General post office, railway station, parks etc. to get to know their city better. Also small treks and trails are arranged in and around Pune. In order to give children healthy and cultured childhood.







Sports activity

Playground Activities

  • 2 batches (of 1 1/5 hour each) from Monday to Friday.
    Batch 1:
    4.30pm to 6.00pm
    Batch 2:
    5.45pm to 7.15pm
  • Age group: 3 to 12 years.
    Groups are formed age wise.
  • Children are also taught Karate, Roller Skating, Badminton etc.

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Art & Craft Activity

In-door Activities

  • Origami
  • Drawing and Painting
  • Clay molding
  • Wall hangings
  • Paper mache etc.

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Music, Dance & Drama Activity

Performing Art Activities

  • Children are taught various songs and poems by great poets like Sarita Padaki, Shanta Shelke, Mangesh Padgaokar, Vinda Karandikar, Ravindranath Tagore etc.
  • Small group performances
  • Puppet shows
  • Theatre games
  • Folk-dance
  • Semi-classical dance forms

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Chatak Wachanalay

  • At Balbhavan we aim toward physically and mentally healthy child and the childhood. Having a library for kids as well as their parents and other interested people is one step ahead towards goal.
  • We have more than 10,000 books in our library.

read more

Trips & Camps

Outdoor Activities

  • This is a special and most loved activity of Balbhavan in which kids are taken to various parks, museums, hills and forts in and around Pune. 2 / 3 such trips are arranged each month.

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What is Balbhavan?

Balbhavan is more than just a centrally located two-acre playground for children in Pune or a recreation center that serves as an area for social and cultural activity. In the psyche of thousands of Punekars across the world, Balbhavan is synonymous with a magical childhood enriched by varied experiences, new discoveries and warm, child-respecting adults.

Balbhavan is the creation of Mrs. Shobha Bhagwat (known to all as Shobha Tai) and her team of 50 dedicated, trained child care professionals. This institution not only moulds children into compassionate, articulate, clear-thinking individuals but also guides their parents into becoming socially aware, responsible adults through all its multifarious activities.

Garware Balbhavan formally opened its doors and its heart to the children of Pune on September 1, 1985 with one single aim: Provide children with moments of joy that they are unable to derive either from schools or from their homes.

At Balbhavan, children play freely in wide, open spaces. Due to this, their appetite grows, they feel hungry. They sleep quietly with ease. They remain happy and content. Their concentration improves. The multifarious experiences they are exposed to at Balbhavan enhance their self-confidence. By performing many skilled operations with their own hands, they grow into knowledgeable, self-reliant individuals. They learn many new things easily. From all this, they effortlessly learn many core life values. The environment of Balbhavan, which is one of love, trust and freedom helps in the all round development of children.

Facebook members, please visit the Balbhavan community here.

Our Goals

  • To provide children with moments of joy
  • Make Pune a child-friendly, child-centric city
  • Provide wide open space where children can play freely
  • Provide this facility in the heart of the city
  • Conduct activities to ensure holistic child development

Why do children love us?

At Balbhavan, children experience moments of joy that they are unable to derive either from schools or from their homes. Children come to Balbhavan in the evening after school. Here they are exposed to multifarious experiences in the form of exercise, sports, art & craft, stories, song & dance, drama, picnics, bird watching, trekking, industrial factory visits, live demonstrations, camps, campfire nights. To experience all these is an important constituent in developing & nurturing the personality of children. To children who come here, Balbhavan feels like "My Organisation". The specialty of Balbhavan is that it allows children to freely express themselves, to remain on the learning curve using the experiences and experiments that the Balbhavan environment provides them.

Reaching out...

पुण्यात वंचित मुलांसाठी काम करणाऱ्या अनेक संस्था आहेत. अशा अनेक संस्थांची मुले बालभवनमधे काही निमित्ताने येत असतात.

एप्रिल - मे सुट्टीतल्या शिबीरांमधे ही मुले सहभागी होतात. सण - समारंभाच्या निमित्ताने बालभवनामधे येतात. दरवर्षी बालदिनाच्या दिवशी बालभवनची मुले आणि या संस्थांची मुले यांचा एकत्रित एक मोठा कार्यक्रम होतो.

यापैकी काही संस्थांच्या कार्यकर्त्यांसाठी बालभवनमधे प्रशिक्षणही होते.

या वर्षीच्या “बालमेळावा” (१३ नोव्हेंबर २०११) कार्यक्रमाविषयी वाचा >>>

बालभवनला ज्या संस्थांबरोबर काम करण्याची संधी मिळाली त्यांची नावे वाचा >>>

News & Articles

Garware balbhavan was awarded 'Bal Karya Sanman' puraskar (15 March 2022)

Garware balbhavan was awarded 'Bal Karya Sanman' puraskar on 15th March at Tilak Smarak Mandir by Shivaji Kul Sanstha, Scout Ground, Sadashiv Peth, Pune. It is a 105 year old organization. Previously this award has been given to Maharashtra Mandal and Swapupwardhini. It was given at the hands of Mr. Shekhar Mundada, and Brigadier Sunil Limaye.

Bal Karya Sanman puraskar

Read News in Marathi

Madhuri Purandare and Rajiv Tambe interacted with children at the event organized by Garware Bal Bhawan, Pune on Nov 8-9, 2016.

Both the authors are shortlisted for Big Little Book Award.

Children enjoyed the story telling session and also wrote their own stories. They also tried out science experiments.

Madhuri Purandare
Rajiv Tambe

See more photos of the event here

पुणे म. न. पा. आणि गरवारे बालभवन !

Madhuri Sahastrabuddhe (Corporator, P. M. C) elaborated the history, work, the importance of Balbhavan and it's international connection and recognition in General-body meeting of P. M. C on 24th Sept. 2013.
Click here to read Original Speech (PDF 1.95MB)

मा. नगरसेविका माधुरी सहस्त्रबुद्धे यांनी पुणे म. न. पा. मधे सर्वसाधारण सभेत दि. २४ सप्टेंबर २०१३ रोजी केलेले भाषण
वाचण्यासाठी इथे क्लिक करा (PDF 1.95MB)

Article published in Vishranti magazine 2014

- शोभा भागवत

(विश्रांती दिवाळी २०१४-शिक्षणनीती)
संपूर्ण लेख वाचण्यासाठी इथे क्लिक करा >>>

Article by Shyamala Vanarase
Read article by Dr. Shyamala Vanarase

Magazine Tumhi-Amhi Palak

Read about Garware Balbhavan Pune in the 1st issue (August 2013) of 'Tumhi-Amhi Palak- paripurna palakatva' (तुम्ही- आम्ही पालक- परिपूर्ण पालकत्व)
Click to read article (PDF 3.64MB)

Articles by Shobha Bhagwat

पालक-बालक (Parent and child)

Published in Loksatta News paper (Chaturang)

Click to view Articles Page

Previously in News

Past Events

Children playing on slide